

  • 释义


  • 英英释义


    • Ris may refer to the following:




    Clinical efficacy of posterior microendoscopic discectomy for the treatment of lubar intervertebral disc protrusion and the risk fac...
    Geologic and anthropogenic sources of contamination in settled dust of a historic mining port city in northern Chile health risk imp...
    Body weight at early and middle adulthood, weight gain and persistent overweight from early adulthood are predictors of the risk of ...
    BAALC is an important predictor of refractoriness to chemotherapy and poor survival in intermediate-risk acu...
    Etude numérique de l'allumage et du développement de la combustion dans un jet de monergol pulvérisé
    A third‐generation wave model for coastal regions: 2. Verification
    Levels of selected analytes in the emissions of “heat not burn” tobacco products that are relevant to assess human health risks
    Effect of Salix cupularis plantations on soil stoichiometry and stocks in the alpine-cold desert of northwestern Sichuan
    (OA25) Residual Lymphovascular Space Invasion After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Increases the Risk of ...
    Repetitive DNAs in Melipona scutellaris (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponidae): chromosomal distribution and test of multiple heterochro...